May 06, 2024 09:12 pm
Why You Should Consider a Female Dentist
Goodall Family Dentistry

Finding the right dentist for you and your family can take a bit of work. Usually the location, experience, and reputation of the dentist are important things to consider, but have you ever thought about the gender of your dentist? There are some potential benefits of using a female dentist that we would like to share with you. Some of the top reasons to go to a female dentist are:

Their Approach – Generally, female dentists are more conservative in their approach to treatment, which could save you money and time in the dentist chair. They also have smaller hands than most male dentists and therefore can reach in to your mouth easier and more comfortably.

Prevention Strategies – Female dentists are often really good at recommending prevention strategies before larger issues arise in your dental health. This will help save you from more costly dental procedures in the long run.

Kids – Kids more often than not feel more at ease with a female dentist. They are usually less anxious and feel more at peace about getting dental work done.

Dental Anxiety – Going to the dentist can be nerve-racking for many people. Female dentists typically have a more calming approach to their treatment and are often more approachable about concerns than male dentists. This can help calm some of the anxiety you may be feeling about going to the dentist.

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